Jun 26, 2014

How to: Lamp

I really like making stuff like this, I can listen to music while doing it and get distracted.
I still have a long way to go but it's really easy and entertaining

1. First you need thread, you can pick any color you like, and as many colors as you like. It has to be a little thick so it doesn't take you forever to finish one.
I picked orange and white because I wanted a simple lamp. 

2. Then you need to cut a little rectangle from any box, this is useful so you don't get all the thread tangled.

3. You put a little thread around the piece, so you can easily move your hand while doing the lamp.

4. You tie a knot in the structure to make sure it will all stay in place.

5. You start getting it around the structure until it looks like this.

6. when you finish the thread you tie a knot again so you can make sure it stays right where it needs to be.

7. Once you start doing it you can change colors whenever you want, it will look like this:


  1. That looks beautiful! And very time consuming haha :)

    1. It is very time consuming! but perfect for relaxation and distraction :)

  2. What a cool DIY! Especially because it isn't one that I've already seen a million times ;P Your lampshade reminds me of a UFO ♥

    Glitterous Clitoris
